Welcome to Camp Sonshine!
The best week of summer!

School is out and it's time for some summer fun!  And Camp Sonshine has all the elements--games, songs, snacks, crafts and time to learn about God's love.  Each camp week runs Monday thru Friday from 6-8 pm, with a Family Fun Carnival to end the week on Friday.  There are three location available, and you can use the links below to register:

June 10-15 @ Stow Alliance 
Register HERE

June 17-21 @ Akron Alliance 
Register HERE

June 24-28 @ Al Lease Park in Kent 
Register HERE

Questions & Answers

Here are some answers to common questions about Summer Ministry

Summer Ministry involves combining lots of important aspects of discipleship into a month long process. This process will lead middle school and high school students in ministering to neighborhood children in different contexts. The camp experience portion is designed for children 1st-5th grade and will be held in the evenings.

This summer outreach is led by our intern team! They're also tasked with raising prayer and financial support. You can give here.

VBS is typically run by a handful of volunteers and focuses mainly on the “event for kids.” Summer ministry is more about exposing students to mission in a variety of contexts, providing them with daily discipleship and ministry opportunities, and empowering them to grow and develop by being placed in a variety of leadership roles for an extended period of time.

We will need adults to help with a variety of logistical needs like: setting up tents, meeting parents, transportation, nurse station, prayer, building & bringing carnival games, and food/snacks. We also have a few spots for adults to serve as mentors for our interns and student leaders.

Adult Volunteers
Complete this form to be part of our Adult Volunteer Team!
Click here for the form